Das läuft bei mir gerade mehrfach am Tag. Boy Eats Drum Machine. Ist ihm wohl bekommen. Zumindest was hinten dann rauskommt ist bestes Material. Hier die Basics:
"boy eats drum machine is the solo work of native portlander, jon ragel. he is a songwriter, producer, singer, turntablist, and also plays saxophone, guitar, synthesizer, organ, and several percussive nick nacks. as a one-man musical act, BEDM merges the worlds of turntablism and live rock performance as ragel spins breaks and surgically inserts sounds while juggling vocals, percussion, and saxophone.
his latest album, booomboxxx, is an experimental pop record loaded with unique turntable textures, saxophone blasts, expertly chopped break beats, and gutsy vocals. although the record effectively mashes several musical forms, it is ragel’s most cohesive work to date, bringing to mind artists like dj shadow, queen, morphine, david bowie, and the postal service. booomboxxx will be released 10/22/08 on portland indie label tender loving empire" From: boyeatsdrummachine
[MPdrei] Boy Eats Drum Machine * Demonic With Horns
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